ODVA Rep Onsite

Partnering with the Oklahoma Department of Veteran Affairs, we have an ODVA rep onsite monthly.

  • 1st Thursday - 6:00 PM - as needed

  • 2nd Tuesday - 9AM to 3PM

  • 4th Tuesday - 9AM to 3PM


Dustin Simmons


(405) 523-4012


Event Center & Rental Info

Looking for a place to host your next event? Check out our Event Center!

Open Saturdays 7am-9am

Museum & Library

Located at 170 Edmond Rd. NW, Piedmont, OK, our museum features display areas for each branch of service, an area for the Vietnam War, and an area for the World Wars.

Our library has over 400 books available for checkout! Lots of war history, biographies, WWII, Holocaust, Pearl Harbor - come check it out!

We are accepting donated or consigned items now!

Admission is free

Open by appointment only. Contact us to make arrangements.