Support Comradery.

Join us for our Annual PAVA Poker Run! Food*, Drinks*, Fun, Cash Awards for Best Poker Hand!

Who: Motorcycles | 3-wheelers | Jeeps | Old Cars

When: TBD 2025 - Registration at 10:00 AM, First Bike out at 11:00 AM

Where: Registration and Check - in @ PAVA Event Center

Stop 1: TBD

Stop 2: TBD

Stop 3: TBD

Last Stop: TBD

Cost: $25 per vehicle, $10 per passenger

Winnings: $200 High Hand | $100 Low Hand | Silent Auction | Raffle Tickets

*Food and/or drinks will be available for purchase based on the availability at each establishment and will not be provided by PAVA.

This event is a fundraiser for the Piedmont Area Veterans Association whose mission is to seek to honor the service of our nation’s service members of the United States Armed Forces through preservation, celebration, and education.